Baseball Bat & Glove Water Bottle

Personalized baseball water bottle featuring baseball bat, glove, ball and custom name makes a great gift for player or coach. Help them stay cool and look cool during their game and practices.

Baseball Bat & Glove Water Bottle


Personalized baseball water bottle featuring baseball bat, glove, ball and custom name makes a great gift for player or coach. Help them stay cool and look cool during their game and practices.

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Looking for the ideal gift for baseball or softball players? Look no further than this exceptional stainless steel insulated water bottle, designed to withstand even the hottest sunny days. With its ability to keep water cool and the athlete hydrated in style, it’s the perfect choice.

The water bottle features a captivating illustration showcasing baseball bat, ball, and a glove. Although softball equipment may differ in reality, the illustration captures the essence, ensuring softball players are also covered!

To make this gift truly unique and personalized, the bottle can be customized with the player’s name or any other desired text. This customization adds a special touch that will be cherished and create lasting memories. Additionally, there is a wide range of colors available, allowing you to choose your team’s color or your personal favorite.

Thanks to its double-wall stainless steel vacuum insulated construction, this bottle excels at keeping water cool throughout practices or games. It far surpasses regular plastic or metal bottles in retaining cold temperatures, leaving you amazed at its performance.

The illustration of the baseball gear and the player’s name are expertly etched with a laser onto the bottle’s textured, sweat-free coating, revealing the bare metal beneath. This technique not only looks incredibly cool but also ensures long-lasting durability.

Baseball/Softball Gear 32oz Vacuum Insulated Water Bottle

Stainless Steel Baseball Bat & Glove Water BottlePersonalized Baseball Water Bottle with Player Name
Personalized Baseball Water Bottle with Custom Text

Home Run Guarantee

  • Designed for baseball and softball athletes, coaches and parents
  • Stay cool and play in style
  • Keeps water cool 2x longer than regular bottle
  • Stainless steel, durable design

32oz Stainless Steel Water Bottle

32oz. Water Bottle Tumblers feature stainless steel double-wall construction, vacuum insulated for 2X cold and heat retention compared to glass or plastic containers.

The removable lid has an easy flip top with interior straw for convenience.

The soft rubber holder along with textured sweat-free powdercoat make this water bottle the gold standard for drinks on the go!

  • Bottle Brand – Polar Camel
  • Removable Lid with Straw
  • 32 oz (approx 950ml)
  • BPA and Lead Free
  • Hand Wash Only
  • Do Not Microwave
  • Shipped from USA

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